Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday sermon...

I've considered starting a religion. The cash flow would be great. But I'd have problems keeping a straight face making up all those rules and telling all those lies. Tell you what, just send me the money (say 10% of your income...a good tithe) and I'll let you make up your own credos and delusions.

You don't need a priest, guru, ayatollah, preacher, credo or dogma to find the divine. The kingdom is within you. Creator is omnipresent. That means she is in the brothel or bar as much as in the church or temple. More importantly, he is in your heart. If you dare to look, you'll discover that the sacred is in you.

Whenever you come across anyone who purports to know THE TRUTH, run away quickly before they steal your mind, your soul and your wallet.

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